Sunday, December 4, 2011

cain suspending presidency

Herman Cain surprisingly suspended his candidacy in the 2012 election. After moments of unexpected success and very serious accusations against him he finally came to his breaking point. Cain was a interesting candidate, he has a history in which no other candidate has and he made it clear that if you have dreams to go after it. Cain wasn’t in politics before he ran and he didn’t have any experience compared to his competitors. He relates to everyone in that he was living a normally life just as anyone, worked a “9-5” job and had economic hurdles that he once had to overcome. As well as he was outspoken and brought a new vibe and characteristic to the election.
As for me Cain just made me realize how badly the public longs for change in America and in out government. Even though Cain had a few good ideas he also had a few out of this world crazy ideas but America still loved him. I think that America is desperate and they are looking for someone who will is outspoken and unafraid to try to make a change, no matter what that change is.
Cain suspended his candidacy on Saturday in result of the sexual accusations he was accused of in the past couple of weeks. The most hurtful being of the woman who he claims she had a 13 year affair with while he was married. Cain says that these accusations have caused a lot of hurt between the race and between his family. Cain continued to plead innocent with his wife on his side and no matter how many times he said it kept being blamed and accused. There were numerous rumors and sexual indecency claims against him and the truth is still foggy to the public. Accusations such as this definitely brought his chances down a lot because Cain is supposed to be a man of good who does right by his family, displaying the conservative view of a candidate, and that’s very attractive in a candidate. But once that is taken away it completely changes the game. But he will not go away, he is going to instead work on his tax and foreign policy by promoting it around the country.
There were plenty of supporters who were highly upset with his decision. Some blaming the media for portraying him in a negative light and some with mixed feelings. There were supporters in Atlanta screaming and insulting the press. Although Cain seemed to be holding on to the top spot up until the very end so it is unclear why Cain actually gave up his opportunity. Maybe he just didn’t want to put his wife and family in more jeopardy or receiving a bad name.
Up next to him is Gingrich who seems to be taking his place as the front runner with 25% of the republican caucus. Ron Paul having 18%, and Mitt Romney with 16%. At the end Cain only had 8% of the republican supports with the rest of the candidates who are in the single digits as well.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

another cain accusation

Through an interesting journey through the first stages of the 2012 election, Cain has come a long way. With popularity and the spotlight hitting him suddenly he is unable to keep up. Cain has contradicted himself and came up with the 9-9-9 tax plan, which isn’t a very logical and fair tax plan, but the public has their opinion on that.
Now there are rumors that Cain may drop the race but Cain stepped out to reassure the public that this isn’t true. He will not withdraw no matter how they try to bring him down. He will hold on and he will rise, he says. But how can this be so easy for him to say after all of these sexual harassment rumors and now a rumor that he was having a 13-year affair while he was married.
Ginger White, the fifth woman who came forward about indecent behavior with Cain in an interview with fox 5 news in Atlanta. She claims that she was aware that he was married but she was okay with it. This woman even had phone records that dated as early as September at all times of the day and night to Cain’s private phone.
Cain claims that yes this lady has been calling him but it was nothing more then he innocently helping her with financial issues. He considers Mrs. White an acquaintance and nothing more.
Ms. White says otherwise, she says that he would buy her a lot of gifts and fly her around the country to wherever he was so that they can see each other. She even went as far into detail to say that it all started one night when they were having drinks and he invited her up to his hotel. Ever since then they have been doing this for years.
For eight months not there relationship has been over. Cain became very serious with his presidential campaign that he no longer felt safe enough to keep his relationship with Ms. White. She only decided to come forward with this information after the accusations that were beginning to go public. She didn’t like what she heard and how he mistreated them so she decided that she would also tell the public what had been going on between them before someone else did and made it seem as if it was something filthy.
In Cain’s defense, Ms. White has been reported for stalking and someone who had filed for a protective order against her.
As of recently Cain hasn’t been looking to good in the eyes of the public. Not only because of his sexual harassment accusations, but also because of ideas about certain issues such as how Obama is dealing with conflict in Libya.
As for Cain he is not worried about any of these accusations and feel as if it wont hurt him or his family. His wife has heard about these stories and he has told her his side. As of now her only response to Ms. White story is “here we go again”.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Rick Perry lazy ad

Rick Perry tries to compete with Obama by pulling out a sentence he had in an appearance and analyzing it to portray him as thinking of America in a bad way. He then uses this to say that Obama is a socialist and Perry explains his own plans for America. For someone who doesn't know much about the election and hasn't seen or researched that appearance that Obama was on when he said that line, would think differently about Obama. This Ad could change a lot of peoples minds about Obama.

Obamas bad reviews

As you can see how these individuals point out a lot of the current problems in America on Obama. If people watch this they will start to think about that instead of the good that he has done. It is also noted that the republican Candidate will be better then Obama, and how he will not be reelected and more of the country is leaning against Obama.

keep track

Its important to keep track on all of these candidates. Nothing is for certain thins are always changing and not what we may have expected. You cant always trust the information you hear and it may not be all that helpful.

Romney and the media

Mitt Romney is a determined man, Romney is determined to become president one day and it seems as if he will not stop trying. He has ran a couple of times and each time he come in second place. Romney isn’t such a bad candidate, the major problem with Romney is that he is a flip flopper. But who can trust a candidate who doesn’t stand up and believe in something. It only gives us the impression that he doesn’t have any real beliefs, and that he’s easy to persuade. How can we trust someone like that to run our country.
It is no secret that no one wants Romney as the next president as we can hear the following message exerting from the crowd “Anybody but Mitt”. With Perry, Cain, Bachmann and Gingrich as the candidates with the most attention lately, Romney seems to one of the least favorites among the public. Rising in popularity is Newt Gingrich, this was sudden and rapid since he is not raising a lot of money and on his way to be considered the front runner of the election.
To help Romney win the election, its obvious that the media has to be on Romney’s side, because the media is how most of America gets their information. Whether the media can make a difference on how the public already feels about Romney isn’t certain but its worth a try. Romney has been up for appearances with individuals such as Sean Hannity, which he has been interviewed by 11 times this year. Romney relies on the Fox channel to support him and show him in a good light. Romney has also been featured on conservative radio stations, television channels and newspapers with people like Laura Ingraham, Bill Bennet, GretaVan Susteran, and Mr. O’Reilly. The wall street journal agreed to publish an op-ed about him and the Nuclear dangers in Iran.
Although Romney has some of the most poplar conservative sources on his side he also has some popular conservatives against him such as Mr. Savage, who just outright considers Romney worthless, Mr. Savage has put a lot of fear into his listeners because he portrays Romney for what he really is. Someone who wont be good for our country and someone who should never be considered for president no matter what others try to make him seem as.
This only makes me think about how I view the media and what I should believe or not. Knowing that Romney almost has to relay on the media to portray him as a good candidate only makes me think of everything that there not showing. And the media who portrays Romney as a bad candidate makes me think about what may be good about him. So it really forces those who follow up on this to look at all the sources and not relay on one trusty news source. You never know what is true or what is exaggerated by the media and therefore you have to make and trust your own inferences

obama and the 2012 election

Obama claims that he will be canceling the 2012 midterm elections. Obama's reasoning behind pulling a move like this is to conserve money. As well as his effort in conserving money, since he knows the economy is desperately needing it, he is also going to be exploring a way to increase jobs. The economy has seen one of its worse economic depressions since the great depression and the number of unemployment has not made a drastic change in decreasing. Obama will use the money that we will save by not doing the 2012 midterm election and using it for transportation and infrastructure projects which calls for workers all at the same time. Is the sudden economic savings and new jobs a tactic of Obama to earn votes in the upcoming election? Personally we all do not know but maybe it will work. Since Americans have been in desperate need for jobs ever since the economic recession, the new bringing of jobs is something Americans will be happy for and even praise Obama for. Maybe Obama does have a greater chance in winning the 2012 election by promising good for the economy; however, we can also see similar promises that Obama made for the 2008 elections and there has not been a reasonable or noticeable change. Maybe Americans will believe in Obama’s attempt in helping the unemployed people that strive to find a job to support and take care of the families. But at the same time, there might be people who realize the things that Obama promised in his last election that he never got around to changing; therefore, Obama’s votes might decrease. In the article, it does seem as though Obama is making an active effort in passing the Effective Order in order to cancel the midterm elections and help the economy. The canceling of the elections means as much as millions of dollars going in to the economy and hopefully he will use the money in ways to help the people in the economy and not abuse it. Republicans are quick to go against this and bad mouth Obama for canceling the elections; therefore, showing that they are not supporters in helping the economy and helping the unemployment rate go down. The people of America now have to choose if they support the democratic side of Obama trying to put money back into the economy or if they agree with republicans and do not want to better the economy. An idea as big as this Effective Order can really affect the populations decisions in the election. If the republicans show their negative energy in Obama canceling the elections for a good reason, to put those million of dollars back in to the economy, then this can encourage a more democratic vote. Personally, I believe that it is a good idea not to spend millions dollars on a midterm election campaign and instead help those whom are struggling. The unemployed and people that are struggling usually go unnoticed, so it is eye-opening to see Obama actually reaching out to help these people find employment.