Herman Cain surprisingly suspended his candidacy in the 2012 election. After moments of unexpected success and very serious accusations against him he finally came to his breaking point. Cain was a interesting candidate, he has a history in which no other candidate has and he made it clear that if you have dreams to go after it. Cain wasn’t in politics before he ran and he didn’t have any experience compared to his competitors. He relates to everyone in that he was living a normally life just as anyone, worked a “9-5” job and had economic hurdles that he once had to overcome. As well as he was outspoken and brought a new vibe and characteristic to the election.
As for me Cain just made me realize how badly the public longs for change in America and in out government. Even though Cain had a few good ideas he also had a few out of this world crazy ideas but America still loved him. I think that America is desperate and they are looking for someone who will is outspoken and unafraid to try to make a change, no matter what that change is.
Cain suspended his candidacy on Saturday in result of the sexual accusations he was accused of in the past couple of weeks. The most hurtful being of the woman who he claims she had a 13 year affair with while he was married. Cain says that these accusations have caused a lot of hurt between the race and between his family. Cain continued to plead innocent with his wife on his side and no matter how many times he said it kept being blamed and accused. There were numerous rumors and sexual indecency claims against him and the truth is still foggy to the public. Accusations such as this definitely brought his chances down a lot because Cain is supposed to be a man of good who does right by his family, displaying the conservative view of a candidate, and that’s very attractive in a candidate. But once that is taken away it completely changes the game. But he will not go away, he is going to instead work on his tax and foreign policy by promoting it around the country.
There were plenty of supporters who were highly upset with his decision. Some blaming the media for portraying him in a negative light and some with mixed feelings. There were supporters in Atlanta screaming and insulting the press. Although Cain seemed to be holding on to the top spot up until the very end so it is unclear why Cain actually gave up his opportunity. Maybe he just didn’t want to put his wife and family in more jeopardy or receiving a bad name.
Up next to him is Gingrich who seems to be taking his place as the front runner with 25% of the republican caucus. Ron Paul having 18%, and Mitt Romney with 16%. At the end Cain only had 8% of the republican supports with the rest of the candidates who are in the single digits as well.