Sunday, September 25, 2011

week #2

There are many different things that concern this years voters such as the war in Afghanistan, Libya, and Iraq. But as for now there are two candidates who are rising from the support of U.S. armed forces who are politically active. And those two candidates are President Barack Obama and Republican Ron Paul. The individuals who claimed to work in one of the branches of the military or the US department of defense have together donated about $78,000 to the presidential candidates. Barack Obama had collected 44% or in other words $34,500 of those funds.
In Obamas term of presidency he has tried to unwind our involvement in Iraq, as well as administered the killing of Osama Bin Ladden in Pakistan.
On the other hand Paul Ron has collected $32,100 from active military members. Paul believes in a non-interventionist approach which means that he wants to avoid the wars with Afghanistan, Libya and Iraq that are not directly related to "territorial self-defense".
Matt Rimney is significantly in a lower rank compared to Barack Obama and Ron Paul. Rimney believes that all of our troops from Afghanistan should be brought home "as soon as the generals think its ok". Romney had raised $4,100 from the members of the armed force.
Rick Santorum who believes that we should be at war and supports the causes in oversea affairs has raised $250 from military members.
here is an overview on what every candidate is making. Barack Obama- $34,500, Ron Paul- $32,100, Mitt Romney $4,100, Herman Cain- $3,500, Michele Bachmann- 2,550, Newt Gingrich- $900, and Rick Santorum- $250.
On another note we might be expecting a new face in the presidential race. New Jersey's governor Chris Christie is debating on whether or not to enter the election after a being seriously lobbied by the money men and and GOP's top leaders. He has once claimed that he was never interested in presidential running but being pushed by Republicans and fund raisers is pushing him to reconsider. Christie will make his decisions later on this week. Some individuals claim that there is no real leadership qualities in any of the current candidates which is why they urge him to run. Christe believes that the American people want a president who will be upfront and tell them what the country should do in certain situations.
Chris Christie has mentioned that he will not run for president because he still has a significant amount of work and effort to put into Jersey. And while staying out of the race the people of New Jersey have been moved by the Texas Gov. Perry. Gov. Christie is dedicated to staying with Jersey and leading them in the right direction, even though they would love to see him as president of the United States, he pretty much refuses to leave Jersey hanging.

Friday, September 23, 2011

week#2 blog1

Rick Perry has yet to be asked about his views or beliefs on Homosexuality. But as noticed by a gentleman named Benjamin who wrote an article concerning this in the Times Magazine swampland blog about Mr. Perry comparing Homosexuals to alcoholics. Mr. Perry states in his first book published that, "Even if an alcoholic is powerless over alcohol once it enters his body, he still makes a choice to drink," he wrote. "And, even if someone is attracted to a person of the same sex, he or she still makes a choice to engage in sexual activity with someone of the same gender."
Basically stating that whether or not the individual was born gay that they have the power to stay away from homosexuality and not engage in any homosexual activities. Remaining abstinent will not change your sexuality but it will refrain one from sinning and instead push them to do what’s right.
Another candidate who is against homosexuality is Michelle Bachmann and her husband Marcus Bachmann. Both are speaking against homosexuality but Mr. Bachmann is speaking in a rather louder tone in which he has clearly mad his point on his feelings toward homosexuals. Mr. Bachmann states that homosexuals are, "barbarians that need to be educated.” Mr. Bachmann also believes that same sex urges don’t have to result in same sex acts just as Mr. Perry argued in his first book. Mr. Bachmann believes that homosexuality is a brain disorder and a psychiatric disorder in which could be treated.
Another candidate who doesn’t believe in same sex activities is Rick Santorum. Mr. Santorum has more than one very large Google based sites that talk about homosexuality. One of his top websites are “” which reveals the definition of Rick Santorums last name, “is a sexual neologism for ‘the frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex."
This was resulting from 2003 when the senator “compared homosexuality to bestiality and pedophilia” and saying that the correct definition of a marriage concerns only a man and a woman. Marriage does not concern a man and a man, man and a dog, or man and a child.
Unlike these republican candidates, President Barack Obama does not see homosexuality as they do. Although his views are not clear for whether he is against or for gay Marriage and homosexuality, He certainly respects it. He knows and works with homosexuals and believes that they are extraordinary people. He knows how important and touchy this subject is for them and although he is not legalizing gay marriage he is most definitely in no position to bash homosexuals.
As a nation the support for homosexuality has grown. From a poll that was compared to a 1996 to a poll from this year, 2011, show that the support has jumped to 22% believing that gay marriage should be legal to 44%.

week #2

In one of the elections there was a battle between Michael Moore, who believed in freedom of speech through the movie and the citizens United corporation who were against the movie that was released during a election. The people should have the opportunity to watch whatever they want for freedom of speech reasons. It was fought against and seen as though it was against the law and was an attempt to make believers not want to vote for G.W Bush.

week #2

Some of these campaign candidates spend so much money to have their voice heard. And the candidates with he most money can and will pay for the best talent. But while these candidates are spending so much money to campaign and out nation is in so much debt.

week #2

Meredith McGehee Talks about how important funding can be in a campaign. To win the presidential election your don't exactly have to be the candidate with the most campaign money, but you do need to have a certain amount of money to campaign and get your message out to the people for their votes.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

President Barack Obama proposed a bill which would get many Americans back on the path to working and getting the economy out of harm. This bill is called the American Jobs act. This act is meant to provide 70,000 jobs in New York alone and 1.9 million jobs nation wide. As well as financially rescuing small business in New York by $381 million so that they can hire more employers. With hiring new employers that makes about an extra $1,500 for their households and their pocket. This will be done by tax cuts, three of which are an option. "cutting the payroll tax in half for the first 5 million in wages, temporary eliminating employer payroll taxes on wages for new workers or raises for existing workers, and extending 100% expensing into 2012" This bill will mostly effect and benefit the younger community of individuals. According to the American Jobs Act there will be a program called SEA, Self-Employment Assistance, which will give aspiring entrepreneurial minds 26 weeks to start their own businesses. This program will fun around 10,000-13,000 and will not have credit and collateral requirements. SEA is practiced in various states and is proven to be effective. Hundreds of business have created new jobs, about an average of 2.63 new jobs. The plan provides certain assurance to employees and those looking for jobs. Work-sharing is in place to prevent an employee from bring fired. Instead of being fired there hours will be reduced to keep them in contact with a little bit of money. And certain programs to help aid the long term unemployed individuals. As well as that which is called a Bridge to Work program which is aimed at providing some kind of income for those who do volunteer or "pursue work based training". This bill will mainly do as follows, "The plan itself does five things. First, it cuts social security contributions for individuals and businesses. Second, the plan provides about $35 billion to states to operate schools and another $25 billion in school infrastructure spending. Third, the plan adds about $54 billion in unemployment insurance payments, extending the program and adding youth employment programs and tax incentives to hire the long-term unemployed. Fourth, the program adds $75 billion in infrastructure spending to include the creation of an infrastructure bank. Finally, the plan reduces barriers to refinancing FHA loans for households who are underwater in their mortgages." The republicans have rejected this bill, although it will provide tax cuts to middle and lower class the GOP is only concerned about millionaire tax cuts. As for the Democrats, they are campaigning across America to gain support for the plan. The states with the lowest unemployment will be targeted the most to gain more supports. States such as Florida, Mississippi, North Carolina, Virginia, Iowa, etc.
As the Nation is weakening from unemployment, national debt, and many other national issues the presidential election is becoming more crucial and important to the American society. the next presidential election will be held on November 12, 2012. President Barack Obama will be representing the democratic party as there will be a small variety of candidates running to represent the Republican party. Mitt Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts, he is currently the leading the polls for the republican nomination. Rick Perry, former governor of Texas, came into the race later then the other candidates but has raised a significant amount of money which allows him to hold a good spot in the republican nomination. Michele Bachmann, a Minnesota congressman, she doesn't hold a strong position as of now but is expected to draw a lot of Sarah Palin's fans in for her vote. Newt Gingrich, a former speaker of the house of representatives, has a reputation that may haunt him in his run for president. Gingrich has lost supporters for numerous reasons such as strategy plans, lacking presidential qualities, marriage history, and "has a long record of undiplomatic quotes". Ron Paul, a Texas congressman, at 75 years old Mr. Paul is a libertarian-minded republican. "With his calls for a return to the gold standard, the abolition of the Federal Reserve and the Internal Revenue Service, and his staunch opposition - unusual in the Republican Party - to the war in Iraq and to American militarism in general." He has devoted followers but for those who aren't devoted to him it will be hard to gain their support because his views are to extreme to seem realistic. Jon huntsman, a former Governor from Utah, Which makes for an interesting candidate as he used to work under President Barack Obama as a ambassador of China for two years. He is less conservative in that he believes in science of climate change and same sex changes. Rick Santorum, a former Pennsylvania senator, he holds seventh place is the election. And Herman Cain, a former "CEO of a pizza chain", isn't exactly known to the American people. He doesn't hold much ground in the election as he doesn't exactly make his beliefs clear to America. And once said that he was scared to hire a Muslim in the belief that they may be a terrorist is holding him back from making a good impression. The primaries and caucuses will begin in Iowa on February 6th, 2012 and end in South Dakota, Montana, and New Mexico on June 5th, 2012. The question remains will President Barack Obama hold his position for another 4 years or will a republican take the position and will there actually be a positive change and outcome.

This is explaining the electoral college system and how it related to the McCain and Obama election of 2008. As well as determining how far ahead the lead is.

Jon Cardin represents the small state of Maryland and why the electoral college vote is so important to the voting process. Cardin agrees with the voting process.

U.S. Senator Bill Nelson talks about the electoral process in Florida. Mentioning the pros and cons about the electoral process and his personal view of his past experiences. Some of his views consist of abolishing the electoral college and improving the voting process