Rick Perry has yet to be asked about his views or beliefs on Homosexuality. But as noticed by a gentleman named Benjamin who wrote an article concerning this in the Times Magazine swampland blog about Mr. Perry comparing Homosexuals to alcoholics. Mr. Perry states in his first book published that, "Even if an alcoholic is powerless over alcohol once it enters his body, he still makes a choice to drink," he wrote. "And, even if someone is attracted to a person of the same sex, he or she still makes a choice to engage in sexual activity with someone of the same gender."
Basically stating that whether or not the individual was born gay that they have the power to stay away from homosexuality and not engage in any homosexual activities. Remaining abstinent will not change your sexuality but it will refrain one from sinning and instead push them to do what’s right.
Another candidate who is against homosexuality is Michelle Bachmann and her husband Marcus Bachmann. Both are speaking against homosexuality but Mr. Bachmann is speaking in a rather louder tone in which he has clearly mad his point on his feelings toward homosexuals. Mr. Bachmann states that homosexuals are, "barbarians that need to be educated.” Mr. Bachmann also believes that same sex urges don’t have to result in same sex acts just as Mr. Perry argued in his first book. Mr. Bachmann believes that homosexuality is a brain disorder and a psychiatric disorder in which could be treated.
Another candidate who doesn’t believe in same sex activities is Rick Santorum. Mr. Santorum has more than one very large Google based sites that talk about homosexuality. One of his top websites are “spreadingsantorum.com” which reveals the definition of Rick Santorums last name, “is a sexual neologism for ‘the frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex."
This was resulting from 2003 when the senator “compared homosexuality to bestiality and pedophilia” and saying that the correct definition of a marriage concerns only a man and a woman. Marriage does not concern a man and a man, man and a dog, or man and a child.
Unlike these republican candidates, President Barack Obama does not see homosexuality as they do. Although his views are not clear for whether he is against or for gay Marriage and homosexuality, He certainly respects it. He knows and works with homosexuals and believes that they are extraordinary people. He knows how important and touchy this subject is for them and although he is not legalizing gay marriage he is most definitely in no position to bash homosexuals.
As a nation the support for homosexuality has grown. From a poll that was compared to a 1996 to a poll from this year, 2011, show that the support has jumped to 22% believing that gay marriage should be legal to 44%.
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