Mitt Romney is a determined man, Romney is determined to become president one day and it seems as if he will not stop trying. He has ran a couple of times and each time he come in second place. Romney isn’t such a bad candidate, the major problem with Romney is that he is a flip flopper. But who can trust a candidate who doesn’t stand up and believe in something. It only gives us the impression that he doesn’t have any real beliefs, and that he’s easy to persuade. How can we trust someone like that to run our country.
It is no secret that no one wants Romney as the next president as we can hear the following message exerting from the crowd “Anybody but Mitt”. With Perry, Cain, Bachmann and Gingrich as the candidates with the most attention lately, Romney seems to one of the least favorites among the public. Rising in popularity is Newt Gingrich, this was sudden and rapid since he is not raising a lot of money and on his way to be considered the front runner of the election.
To help Romney win the election, its obvious that the media has to be on Romney’s side, because the media is how most of America gets their information. Whether the media can make a difference on how the public already feels about Romney isn’t certain but its worth a try. Romney has been up for appearances with individuals such as Sean Hannity, which he has been interviewed by 11 times this year. Romney relies on the Fox channel to support him and show him in a good light. Romney has also been featured on conservative radio stations, television channels and newspapers with people like Laura Ingraham, Bill Bennet, GretaVan Susteran, and Mr. O’Reilly. The wall street journal agreed to publish an op-ed about him and the Nuclear dangers in Iran.
Although Romney has some of the most poplar conservative sources on his side he also has some popular conservatives against him such as Mr. Savage, who just outright considers Romney worthless, Mr. Savage has put a lot of fear into his listeners because he portrays Romney for what he really is. Someone who wont be good for our country and someone who should never be considered for president no matter what others try to make him seem as.
This only makes me think about how I view the media and what I should believe or not. Knowing that Romney almost has to relay on the media to portray him as a good candidate only makes me think of everything that there not showing. And the media who portrays Romney as a bad candidate makes me think about what may be good about him. So it really forces those who follow up on this to look at all the sources and not relay on one trusty news source. You never know what is true or what is exaggerated by the media and therefore you have to make and trust your own inferences
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