Sunday, October 9, 2011

Herman Cain

The election of 2012 has begun to pick up, becoming more competitive, the real competitors coming into view, and already popular candidates among the people. With that being said there is one candidate who has been rising into view. And that one candidate is Herman Cain. He’s bringing about some attention and sharing his views with the public, and its safe to say that a lot of people like him. Some of his admirable qualities include him being a business man, he can run a business and he knows about job demands, and he is a straight talker.
In a poll focusing on the GOP race exhibit Mitt Romney with 20% supporters, Herman Cain with 17% supporters, and Rick Perry with 15% supporters. Herman Cain has been gaining supporters while Rick Perry has been losing supporters.
On the run down Romney came to the light as the front runner in the beginning of the race. Michelle Bachmann was also an early favorite, as soon as she broadcasted that she would be running for president in a debate she rushed into second place in the polls. Soon after Rick Perry entered into the race. Perry was popular for a while and then lost some of his supporters on the way.
As for Cain his rise started after a shocking win in the Florida GOP straw vote. Many of the straw poll voters admitted to the fact that they came into the debate read to vote for Perry but after her dropped the ball in that debate they switched their vote to Cain.
As for Cain’s background, he unlike any other candidate. Cain has no political history but he stands for the average hardworking American which many Americans could relate to. He was a CEO in Godfathers pizza, He attended and graduated college mastering computer science. A unique fact about Cain is that he was a stage 4 cancer survivor, so he is very involve in health care.
Cain has released his very own book this Monday called “This Is Herman Cain!: My Journey to the White House". Cain has also came up with this plan called the 9-9-9 plan which is meant to reform the tax code. “The plan calls for a 9% federal income tax, a 9% federal corporate tax, and the creation of a new 9% national sales tax.”
Cain is cementing himself into the election just as Romney has. Although there’s is a attractiveness about Cain being a job creator there is also some doubts and worries about whether he’s ready to be a president. Cain still has a lot to prove and a lot to show as he just becoming more popular. He has to try to hold his position and explain himself and his beliefs more. There is still a lot to prove and he will be battling many new issues as he goes along. It is anticipated when approached against Obama he will had to battle the issue of race and things of that nature.

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