Sunday, December 4, 2011

cain suspending presidency

Herman Cain surprisingly suspended his candidacy in the 2012 election. After moments of unexpected success and very serious accusations against him he finally came to his breaking point. Cain was a interesting candidate, he has a history in which no other candidate has and he made it clear that if you have dreams to go after it. Cain wasn’t in politics before he ran and he didn’t have any experience compared to his competitors. He relates to everyone in that he was living a normally life just as anyone, worked a “9-5” job and had economic hurdles that he once had to overcome. As well as he was outspoken and brought a new vibe and characteristic to the election.
As for me Cain just made me realize how badly the public longs for change in America and in out government. Even though Cain had a few good ideas he also had a few out of this world crazy ideas but America still loved him. I think that America is desperate and they are looking for someone who will is outspoken and unafraid to try to make a change, no matter what that change is.
Cain suspended his candidacy on Saturday in result of the sexual accusations he was accused of in the past couple of weeks. The most hurtful being of the woman who he claims she had a 13 year affair with while he was married. Cain says that these accusations have caused a lot of hurt between the race and between his family. Cain continued to plead innocent with his wife on his side and no matter how many times he said it kept being blamed and accused. There were numerous rumors and sexual indecency claims against him and the truth is still foggy to the public. Accusations such as this definitely brought his chances down a lot because Cain is supposed to be a man of good who does right by his family, displaying the conservative view of a candidate, and that’s very attractive in a candidate. But once that is taken away it completely changes the game. But he will not go away, he is going to instead work on his tax and foreign policy by promoting it around the country.
There were plenty of supporters who were highly upset with his decision. Some blaming the media for portraying him in a negative light and some with mixed feelings. There were supporters in Atlanta screaming and insulting the press. Although Cain seemed to be holding on to the top spot up until the very end so it is unclear why Cain actually gave up his opportunity. Maybe he just didn’t want to put his wife and family in more jeopardy or receiving a bad name.
Up next to him is Gingrich who seems to be taking his place as the front runner with 25% of the republican caucus. Ron Paul having 18%, and Mitt Romney with 16%. At the end Cain only had 8% of the republican supports with the rest of the candidates who are in the single digits as well.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

another cain accusation

Through an interesting journey through the first stages of the 2012 election, Cain has come a long way. With popularity and the spotlight hitting him suddenly he is unable to keep up. Cain has contradicted himself and came up with the 9-9-9 tax plan, which isn’t a very logical and fair tax plan, but the public has their opinion on that.
Now there are rumors that Cain may drop the race but Cain stepped out to reassure the public that this isn’t true. He will not withdraw no matter how they try to bring him down. He will hold on and he will rise, he says. But how can this be so easy for him to say after all of these sexual harassment rumors and now a rumor that he was having a 13-year affair while he was married.
Ginger White, the fifth woman who came forward about indecent behavior with Cain in an interview with fox 5 news in Atlanta. She claims that she was aware that he was married but she was okay with it. This woman even had phone records that dated as early as September at all times of the day and night to Cain’s private phone.
Cain claims that yes this lady has been calling him but it was nothing more then he innocently helping her with financial issues. He considers Mrs. White an acquaintance and nothing more.
Ms. White says otherwise, she says that he would buy her a lot of gifts and fly her around the country to wherever he was so that they can see each other. She even went as far into detail to say that it all started one night when they were having drinks and he invited her up to his hotel. Ever since then they have been doing this for years.
For eight months not there relationship has been over. Cain became very serious with his presidential campaign that he no longer felt safe enough to keep his relationship with Ms. White. She only decided to come forward with this information after the accusations that were beginning to go public. She didn’t like what she heard and how he mistreated them so she decided that she would also tell the public what had been going on between them before someone else did and made it seem as if it was something filthy.
In Cain’s defense, Ms. White has been reported for stalking and someone who had filed for a protective order against her.
As of recently Cain hasn’t been looking to good in the eyes of the public. Not only because of his sexual harassment accusations, but also because of ideas about certain issues such as how Obama is dealing with conflict in Libya.
As for Cain he is not worried about any of these accusations and feel as if it wont hurt him or his family. His wife has heard about these stories and he has told her his side. As of now her only response to Ms. White story is “here we go again”.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Rick Perry lazy ad

Rick Perry tries to compete with Obama by pulling out a sentence he had in an appearance and analyzing it to portray him as thinking of America in a bad way. He then uses this to say that Obama is a socialist and Perry explains his own plans for America. For someone who doesn't know much about the election and hasn't seen or researched that appearance that Obama was on when he said that line, would think differently about Obama. This Ad could change a lot of peoples minds about Obama.

Obamas bad reviews

As you can see how these individuals point out a lot of the current problems in America on Obama. If people watch this they will start to think about that instead of the good that he has done. It is also noted that the republican Candidate will be better then Obama, and how he will not be reelected and more of the country is leaning against Obama.

keep track

Its important to keep track on all of these candidates. Nothing is for certain thins are always changing and not what we may have expected. You cant always trust the information you hear and it may not be all that helpful.

Romney and the media

Mitt Romney is a determined man, Romney is determined to become president one day and it seems as if he will not stop trying. He has ran a couple of times and each time he come in second place. Romney isn’t such a bad candidate, the major problem with Romney is that he is a flip flopper. But who can trust a candidate who doesn’t stand up and believe in something. It only gives us the impression that he doesn’t have any real beliefs, and that he’s easy to persuade. How can we trust someone like that to run our country.
It is no secret that no one wants Romney as the next president as we can hear the following message exerting from the crowd “Anybody but Mitt”. With Perry, Cain, Bachmann and Gingrich as the candidates with the most attention lately, Romney seems to one of the least favorites among the public. Rising in popularity is Newt Gingrich, this was sudden and rapid since he is not raising a lot of money and on his way to be considered the front runner of the election.
To help Romney win the election, its obvious that the media has to be on Romney’s side, because the media is how most of America gets their information. Whether the media can make a difference on how the public already feels about Romney isn’t certain but its worth a try. Romney has been up for appearances with individuals such as Sean Hannity, which he has been interviewed by 11 times this year. Romney relies on the Fox channel to support him and show him in a good light. Romney has also been featured on conservative radio stations, television channels and newspapers with people like Laura Ingraham, Bill Bennet, GretaVan Susteran, and Mr. O’Reilly. The wall street journal agreed to publish an op-ed about him and the Nuclear dangers in Iran.
Although Romney has some of the most poplar conservative sources on his side he also has some popular conservatives against him such as Mr. Savage, who just outright considers Romney worthless, Mr. Savage has put a lot of fear into his listeners because he portrays Romney for what he really is. Someone who wont be good for our country and someone who should never be considered for president no matter what others try to make him seem as.
This only makes me think about how I view the media and what I should believe or not. Knowing that Romney almost has to relay on the media to portray him as a good candidate only makes me think of everything that there not showing. And the media who portrays Romney as a bad candidate makes me think about what may be good about him. So it really forces those who follow up on this to look at all the sources and not relay on one trusty news source. You never know what is true or what is exaggerated by the media and therefore you have to make and trust your own inferences

obama and the 2012 election

Obama claims that he will be canceling the 2012 midterm elections. Obama's reasoning behind pulling a move like this is to conserve money. As well as his effort in conserving money, since he knows the economy is desperately needing it, he is also going to be exploring a way to increase jobs. The economy has seen one of its worse economic depressions since the great depression and the number of unemployment has not made a drastic change in decreasing. Obama will use the money that we will save by not doing the 2012 midterm election and using it for transportation and infrastructure projects which calls for workers all at the same time. Is the sudden economic savings and new jobs a tactic of Obama to earn votes in the upcoming election? Personally we all do not know but maybe it will work. Since Americans have been in desperate need for jobs ever since the economic recession, the new bringing of jobs is something Americans will be happy for and even praise Obama for. Maybe Obama does have a greater chance in winning the 2012 election by promising good for the economy; however, we can also see similar promises that Obama made for the 2008 elections and there has not been a reasonable or noticeable change. Maybe Americans will believe in Obama’s attempt in helping the unemployed people that strive to find a job to support and take care of the families. But at the same time, there might be people who realize the things that Obama promised in his last election that he never got around to changing; therefore, Obama’s votes might decrease. In the article, it does seem as though Obama is making an active effort in passing the Effective Order in order to cancel the midterm elections and help the economy. The canceling of the elections means as much as millions of dollars going in to the economy and hopefully he will use the money in ways to help the people in the economy and not abuse it. Republicans are quick to go against this and bad mouth Obama for canceling the elections; therefore, showing that they are not supporters in helping the economy and helping the unemployment rate go down. The people of America now have to choose if they support the democratic side of Obama trying to put money back into the economy or if they agree with republicans and do not want to better the economy. An idea as big as this Effective Order can really affect the populations decisions in the election. If the republicans show their negative energy in Obama canceling the elections for a good reason, to put those million of dollars back in to the economy, then this can encourage a more democratic vote. Personally, I believe that it is a good idea not to spend millions dollars on a midterm election campaign and instead help those whom are struggling. The unemployed and people that are struggling usually go unnoticed, so it is eye-opening to see Obama actually reaching out to help these people find employment.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

lobal warming

Perry is seriously in denial about global warming. He states that global warming isn't 100% proven but its 97% proven. how could he still deny it and how could the public go along and believe in what hes saying.


This debate definitely gives you a feel of what America is interested in and prides on. You can get a sense of whose popular and which issues are important to them.

Perry slip up

Perry forgot what he was saying during presidential debates. This video talks about how Perry messed up and messed up more than once. He even made it into a joke and related it to everyone by saying there is a organization we would all like to forget.

Newt Gingrich

Newt Gingrich is suddenly climbing in the polls. Up until now he has either been in the dark during the election or having negative things said about him. He has been criticized and doubted because of his past impressions and the 2 divorces he had. Another thing that makes him unpopular is his past with Bill Clinton. More recently he is being criticized for spending money on his wife. They say that he has spent thousands of dollars on her in Tiffany’s. Gingrich lost about 15 supporters who claim that he would rather spend time with his wife then campaign and put his all into his career.
As of recently Gingrich is starting to rise in popularity. He is getting closer and closer to being the front runner, as he is now standing next to Herman Cain and Mitt Romney. He is now raisin money and is overall doing a good job in getting more supporters and money donated to his campaign. It is a strong possibility that he could take the lead in this campaign, he is drastically changing his impressions on the public.
Although he was in a really bad position in June and July, he never gave up or dropped out. He stuck it out and now it is paying off for him. Some don’t buy it and think that his tone of voice is mean and intimidating. But close friends of his such as Rick Taylor, who says that he has an Authoritative assertiveness that could give off the wrong impression. He isn’t mean but some people could take his attitude and comments as being mean. He is very talented at making others feel small and foolish, by saying the right words in a certain tone but he doesn’t mean to be mean.
I’m not sure what he has done to make this sudden change in the public and their hearts but he definitely changed the election as of now. Or maybe the public is just starting to listen to him. His views and tactics are now being recognized and he is coming to the eye of the election. I feel like Gingrich is the last hope for the public. None of these candidates would make for a good president. At least for the front runners because they all have qualities that are undesirable. For example Mr. Cain is nuts, his views and political knowledge are very ignorant and Mitt Romney is a flip flopper. Romney doesn’t know what he believes in, doesn’t know which party he stands for and for someone like that to be president will be bad because he will flip flop on the important issues and actions that the government will lead our country to.
Overall Gingrich is standing out, he came up tied with Mitt Romney for second place with Herman Cain in first place in the CBS news poll for republican primary votes. I feel that he should all listen up and figure out who will be the better president in the long run.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Perry's brain freeze

On Wednesday Perry had an epic brain freeze during a debate. He embarrassingly stood there dumbfounded as he searched his brain from name of the department of energy which he has been talking about that should be eliminated. His expression told it all as he stood there with a look of pain as he stumbled and started over and attempted to change the subject. He just couldn’t find the words that he was looking for.
Nobody knows how this will effect his campaign but luckily he is not the only one to have this happen to him. More embarrassing then that Christina Aguilera forgot the words to the national anthem as she sang in front of thousands and thousands for the super bowl. And what about chief justice John G. Roberts junior who misplaced a word during his oath at the swearing-in ceremony for President Barack Obama. This embarrassing mistake forced to redo the oath the next day.
It is only to remind us that this is natural for everyone and that these things happen to all of us everyday. It doesn’t have to be forgetting a word or a idea in front of an audience but the simplest task of forgetting what you walked into a room for. It is more likely to happen when we obtain new information or never really used, and we are forced to depend on our brain to try and remember what it is were searching for. But when there is something significantly important to us such as a childbirth or a birthday we have no problem remembering every single detail.
A good comparison to our memory and what it remembers is that of a library card in a library. When we remember things well its as if our medial temporal acts like a library card catalog system, which will point him to the right locations in the brain where the memory is stored. But when there is a brain freeze or unable to remember something its as if the card looked in the wrong place or as if we have the wrong card.
Perry could have been interrupted after he glanced at Ron Paul and got distracted which probably set his mind on a different track. This also may have set him off into his next point to quickly without yet finishing the question on hand. More simply he could have just had a lot of stress placed on him and his mind is to jumbled up with worries and expectations. Our memory is filled with way to many things and it is easy to forget some of the information that we try to pack into it. Its almost as if it’s a parking lot with hundreds of cars and forgetting where it was you parked.
According to Tom Eichele, a neurophysiologist and adjunct professor of biological and medical psychology, points out that are brain gets lazy sometimes because it thinks it knows what’s going to happen next. There should really be no reason why Perry should have any negative feedback due to this unfortunate experience. It just reminds us that they are not robots, they are human as well and they can have slip ups every now and then just as I’m sure each and every one of us have experienced ourselves.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

social media part 2

In this clip you can see the footage that was secretly taped as he speaks about it. He talks about how the organization Acorn has been shut down and displaying them as a bad organization. The strategy to play the footage as he talks about the organization is a good touch because the footage displays what he is saying and how the media today normally appeals to the public with their views.

media today

Here is a man who works with a company who has main goals to expose fraud, dishonesty, and wrong doing in private and public organizations and companies. They do this by placing secret cameras, and going undercover to find these things. This is a good tactic because the social media has become so important so he is able to expose them with the hope and expectations that many people will find out about it.

new social media

This an example of how the media used fun music and fast paced video that demonstrates what what there narrating to us. As well as you can see how they present Tim Phillips to everyone as he makes his way to the stage.

Romney fund raisers

Although Mitt Romney has mixed feelings with the public and what he stands for there s no denying that Romney in devoted to helping and donating to fundraisers. Romney has participated to numerous people are an organization, he has also showed up and even spoke in Lake County Federation dinner in Illinois. He has attended events such as the New Hampshire Seacoast Republican Woman’s annual Chili Fest and the grand opening of a suburban Las Vegas Campaign office. He has donated thousands of dollars in the past coupe of weeks to the republicans who ran for office of legislature.
Romney appears at every main fund raising event that he has says he will. Romney will show p early and leave later then he was supposed, this shows his devotion to these causes. He is pleasant company to have around and truly involves himself and interacts with the people around him. And to his benefit many of these people who he has worked with and helped out have returned him the favor by donating money in return. Although Romney had helped many people and organizations, there are many who still doubt his views and wont support him in his this race.
Romney is still appreciated by all of them and it is recognized that he has spent more money on fundraisers and helping lawmakers campaign then he did in 2008. On the bright side Romney has big organizations donating money to him such as Commonwealth PAC and free and strong standing America PAC have donated about $400,000 to about 300 local elected officials and organizations. Romney has donated a lot of money to states and such the biggest being New Hampshire but he is being accused of using this money inappropriately because he is sing it on things outside of the restrictions for his campaign.
Romney had donated around $1,000 to each republican candidate for senate and to the state organizations. In total he has spent around $100,000 in New Hampshire alone. When Mr. Romney believes in someone he puts his all into it. Mr. Romney has donated a lot of money into Nikki R Haley from South Carolina. Even when Haley repaired the Republican nomination, Romney put together a meet and greet with some donors for Haley. While Haley was being overwhelmed with money that Romney’s campaign was sending her.
Although it may not make a difference to some individuals who cold potentially donate to his election campaign it definitely affects most of the people who he has funded in the past. Romney has been donating for years and it only makes him seem like a better person who supports and is involved with the issues of this country, Small or big.
Some people will like Romney and favor him over the other republican candidates because he is involved and this is a quality that is very important especially in the election. I personally feel a different way towards him now that I know this about him because it makes me feel like he actually cares and might try to make a difference in the things that matter, unlike the other candidates who haven’t really done anything to help these states.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Herman Cain sexual harassment

So again Herman Cain is on the spotlight of politics and the election and again for something bad. But this is by far the worst public media and news yet for any candidate. Mr. Cain seems to have nothing but negative surrounding his campaign; I wonder will we ever see something good about him. This time Mr. Cain is being accused of sexual harassment, not only against one women bur several women. Mr. Cain denies any such thing as being true but witnesses of the account and those who know about the incidents make it hard for him to convince others that this is just a scam. Mr. Cain plays his only defense stating that he is a victim in these situations and that the media and the players of politics are positioning him as a victim of “gunner politics”.
The first women who accused him of sexual harassment were a woman who worked with him at the National Restaurant Association in the late 1990’s. The incident happened on a night were Mr. Cain and some of his coworkers were enjoying their night and drinking well into the evening where he started to make flirty comments. He didn’t stop and continued to make numerous advances at the woman. He was very inappropriate and persistent with his actions towards her.
After the incident the woman complained to higher authority’s at her job but no one seemed to do anything about it. In fact they all started to look at her differently and she became so uncomfortable that she decided to just leave. After she left the job it was offered and agreed upon between her lawyer and the association general council that they would settle the situation by offering her $35,000 which was about a year’s salary. The woman didn’t bring the story out to the media, in fact she wanted to forget about it and just live her life as a normal woman.
Another woman was offered $45,000 for the same situation between the times that Mr. Cain was working as chief executive of the association. Of course Mr. Cain is highly upset about these stories because they really threaten his chances at becoming president. These allegations could ruin any chance that he had. He constantly denies that any of this took place but he did say that his actions could have been misread by these women. He claims that he would extensively compliment a woman about how good she may look that day but he would never cross the line and that he would never even attempt to compliment her in that manner id he didn’t feel completely comfortable with them and think that they would take it the wrong way.
There are people who know Mr. Cain and who state that he likes to joke and such but he never means to come off the wrong way, he is a playful individual and he is friendly. They could never see him doing such a thing and they can’t figure out these stories.


Thursday, October 27, 2011

book club

different people from different states share their opinions on live calls about the book club and different issues about the politics. They just express their views and questions about things such as freedom and terrorism and things of that nature.

obama tactics

republicans feels like raising taxes and regulations and such will fix the economy while Obama and the democrats feel like creating jobs is key. There is really a big split among the two parties.


Twitter and how its affecting politics. politicians and candidates are now using twitter to make announcements or to get there message out to the younger generations. There are expected to be more twitter and twitter scandals as twitter had become a big resource.


Mr. Obama college issues

Mr. Obama is following some of his old tactics that he used for his last term, as he focuses his attention on the younger generation, mostly college students. Last term he won Denver over with the young generations votes and it seems as if he might have hope to win Denver again on this term. He uses himself as an example for students who are in debt for their college tuition. Stating that he and his wife, Michelle Obama had to deal with a big debt together equaling about $120,000 from law school. Targeting this type of group will promote and help him pass his new rules on and a quick and easy way to pay of your tuition debt. He does this with his slogan “we cant wait”, refusing to the republicans refusing to his legislative agenda.
He makes his case very appealing as he sympathizes with them and urges them to stand up to congress, express your feelings and financial crisis. His idea is to gain support for his $47 billion dollar job proposal, which will make tax cuts and spending, to be passed. Obama has been going through California, Nevada, Colorado and other states near them. These are usually Democrat safe states but Colorado and Denver are battleground states for Obama so his tactic is to focus on the Hispanic electorate and the young college population.
This tactic seems to be working, Obama appears to be very popular among the young college generation because he speaks for them. There is no other candidate who seems to give them attention and hope that Obama does. In my opinion these are just broken promises, Obama made promises to the young generation before about tuition. That of which he didn’t keep and made no effort to move in on, so why would it be any different this time around. But in my opinion he gets the attention because he’s the only hope and the only one who seems willing to try.
4500 tickets were sold to see Obama in a university that was going through a snow storm and hours of waiting in line and going through security to hear Obama speak. Obama slightly goes against congress for the issues that haven’t been resolved., the jobs that haven’t been created, and the struggle that people go though.
He points out key points in financial statues and updates within the nation. A college education is very important in life but college has also never been so expensive and for the first time college debt has become higher then credit card debt. To finish up his point the relates to the audience by informing them that he graduated college with a huge debt between him and his wife and like most of the country he did not come from a wealthy family. So he knows their struggle, their feelings and their pain. And if they want change it is there effort and part just as much as it is his. So get out there and make a difference.

Herman Cain progress

Herman Cain is one of the front runners, gaining a lot of support, attention and popularity, but with popularity comes a whole lot of criticism. Being the front runner makes the audience pay a lot of attention to you and everything you say and everything you do. The spotlight is on you so anything that goes wrong is pointed out and examined. Although Mr. Cain is still very popular there is starting to be a lot of second guessing and disappointment in his ideas and actions.
Mr. Cain has been contradicting himself in some of the most important issue while campaigning such as abortion and foreign policy which forced him to spend the last couple of weeks explaining himself and correcting the statements he has made. Mr. Cain is seeming to prove himself less and less by his actions, his inability to pay attention to detail and his contradictory views.
For the past couple of weeks as the heat has been put on him Mr. Cain has been spending a lot of time on his tour bus while at debates or speeches. He has been trying to stay out of the publics eye and away from the voters. While other candidates such as Romney, Perry and others are speaking to the crowd and interacting with them for support before debates and such, Cain has been hiding in his tour bus alienating himself from everyone.
Some of the people who have the opportunity to have one on one encounters with Cain, don’t have many good tings to say about him. There was a staff member who said, “do not speak to him unless you are spoken to”. To me that gives me a sense that Cain might be a little hard to handle and mean to people. That is not something that I would want in a candidate or that I think anyone else would want in a candidate to say the least.
Although Candidates are not perfect, for example Mitt Romney has had a lot of experience with elections and politics and he still makes mistakes. The difference is that Mr. Cain is a new candidate with no experience in politics, he only has his experience in his godfather pizza business, so he is getting a lot of hard critics on him, with the conclusion that he may not be ready to be the president.
Mr. Cain is also getting a bad reputation because he is unable to pay attention to detail. Cain had been missing meetings, canceling appearances in short notice and overall just forgetting important things that he has to do that will help him with the public. Some of his staff express how frustrating they feel about how hard it is to book Mr. Cain for appearances and to actually get him there, they compare it to “pulling teeth”.
One incident where Cain had was invited to speak to a crowd of about 200 people where afterwards he was supposed to meet potential Donors who would donate about $2500 to him if they liked him but Cain failed to show up.


Sunday, October 23, 2011


The republican candidates battled it out as they raised of the issue off abortion in Iowa last Saturday. Perry simply said “being pro-life is not a matter of campaign convenience, it is a core conviction.” Perry gained a lot of support as he dwelled on the issue that abortion shouldn’t be legal. He feels that if you are pro-life then you should agree with him and fight against the issue. You aren’t pro-life if you think that it is a issue for the person to decide whether or not they want to keep the unborn baby. Which turned into a direct jab at republican candidate Herman Cain. Herman Cain stated that he was pro-life but that abortion should be a personal decision for that person and their family. Perry stated that if you agreed with Herman Cain that you are not pro-life, you just want to have you cake and eat it to. Mr. Cain raised a lot of heat, questions, and come backs from the other republican candidates after he said that the government doesn’t really have the right to stick their nose in abortion issues. But Herman Cain is trying to smooth over his statement as he says that if he becomes president that he will put more force and strengthen the current laws to prevent abortion, he says that abortion should be illegal throughout the nation. Not only did it stir up some controversy between the other republican candidates but his supporters were anxious to hear him speak about the issue and explain what his views are In more detail. On Saturday Mr. Cain didn’t really try to put himself out there as he stayed on his campaign bus and only presented himself when it was time for him to speak. Right after he spoke he went to his bus and alienated himself from everyone. Michelle Bachmann who hasn’t been in the spotlight or even barley seen in the eye of any supporter or candidate used this to her advantage to bring her opponent down. Mr. Cain has overshadowed her ever since he became popular in the past couple weeks. Michelle Bachmann asked the pubic to reconsider their choice and take a good look at their political background. Abortion should never be ok and pushed to be legal so if Mr. Cain is a supporter then why should he be the next president. Mrs. Bachmann persuaded the people to think wisely as she states, “this is the year when social conservatives can have it all, this is our year where we don’t compromise. This is our year when we don’t settle.” Not only did Michelle Bachmann speak up but Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul all urged the public to be careful who they were siding with. Mr. Santorum indirectly going against Herman Cain by telling the public to be careful with who they trust, are they standing up for the fights and battles we are all fighting for. And last but not least reminded the people of Iowa about their support on the ban against partial-birth abortions that he is trying to pass.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Mexicos drug trafficing

Examine the threats of Mexico's drug trade on our boarder. how much crime is spilling over to our boarders. There is less crime on these boarders then there is in other states. FBI statistics don't reflect the actual crime rate because there are many Mexicans who refuse to testify from fear.

regulations on hospitals

US is cutting back on regulations on hospitals. Robert Pair thinks that it will be easier and more beneficial to the economy if we used advanced nurse practitioners and nurse assistance instead of using higher paid physicians.

Wall street and Obama

Obama expresses how he feels about the Wall Street Protest saying that he understands the reason and sympathies with them. Saying that he believes people don't feel like they are a part of the government or that the government doesnt care or looks out for them. He believes the Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party aren't that different.

Wall Street

There have been many public protests against Wall Street and the heat is on for the republicans to start addressing this issue. Since this is becoming such a big issue this could very well mold the outcome in November. Occupy Wall Street has been around but is getting more and more popular now in America and Europe. It has been Bringing about more protest and causing more attention which is attracting more participants. It is becoming clear that this is a matter which needs to be addressed and the republicans have to be careful when they do address it.
President Obama has sympathized and has jumped to the needs of the supporters. With their cries of frustration and demand for the wealthy to pay more taxes the democrats are trying to level with them. It is being questioned on whether this all a part of the democrats’ plan or if the democrats are fueling up the protestors to ask for more taxes on the wealthy. Wall Street is the largest financial base in the world and although it does have its flaws some people believe that they should still preserve all of its strength and success.
Not too long after taking office did Obama make a comment to the Bankers saying that he was the only thing in the middle or them and the people with the “pitch forks”. But recently it looks like Obama himself may have grabbed a “pitch fork”. Not sure of the consequence or benefit that may come out of this for the election, but apparently Obama believes that it will help them in 2012.
But as for the republicans, we are waiting to hear what they have to say in response to all of this. Some hope and believe that the protestors would quite down and stop because they don’t have a real reason or organized agenda to continue with this. A big issue that they have raised that will be hard to ignore even if they stop protesting is the gap between the 1% and the 99%. This problem has been raised a long time ago when the big recession had first started.
As of now many Americans feel angry and hopeless with the thought that their children will be worse off than they are. A time magazine poll shows that 54% to 23% approve of the Wall Street protest. And opinion about the tea party is now 33% negative and 27% positive.
Newt Gingwich expressed his sympathy towards the protestors, who are truly suffering. Other republicans have failed to do such and seem to maybe believe that this gap and those suffering isn’t a big deal. In reality no republican is going to want to raise the taxes on the rich but they would like to raise it on everyone else. Like Reagan and Clinton were able to help close the gap by helping to raise the income of people willing to work small wages. Every American wants to live in America being able to achieve the most that they come and have opportunities. So as much as this is an economic issue it also falls into a moral issue.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

homeland secuirty

the issue of insuring homeland security is discussed. we have to elect the right people to make these decisions because we will fail if we choose the wrong people to make these decisions and do the right thing. we have to make sure they are well qualified.

florida part 2

The financial problems are discussed, in terms of presidential campaign fund raising and the taxes that are put onto the ordinary American individual. Lenny shows a break down of the percents of the candidates in Florida.


Lenny Curry talks about how Florida will play a major role in the primary. Republicans in Florida is represents what can be the outcome of an entire election. Florida is very diverse.


Obama and Romney are in a fight to reach the top. As Obama being the only candidate running for the Democratic nomination and Romney being one of the top candidates in the running or the republican nomination. Romney is looking as if he is doing better then Obama. Romney has raised more campaign money. Romney has been impressing many of these firm and donators so that they would fund him instead of Mr. Obama. Since the spring Romney has raised over $1.5 million from employees and firms of certain companies. Obama on the other hand has only raised about $270,000, and this money has been coming mostly from the same supporters and firms that donated to him in 2008.
Aside from firm raising Obama has raised far more then Romney or any other candidate in the running. Obama has raised over $100 million and $65 million for the democratic national committee.
Romney has raised so much money from his belief that wall street should be able to write its own rules removing the wall street reform.
The president has put in protections to ensure that history wont repeat itself financially. Romney has to stop putting of the impressions that he defends an economy who has ruined so many financial issues. And has now raised this financial crisis in which seems very had to get out of.
To some people and Romney supporters, not many people are going to vote Obama back into the presidency because of the current state of the economy and his failure to create more jobs.
Obama just recruited about 100 bundlers for the last three months. Among those 100 bundlers here were a few, Hilary Clinton, John E. Frank, Amy Friedkin. Each of who raised a significant amount of money for the presidential campaign.
Romney is expected to receive a hard running with his opponent Rick Perry who raised over $17 million in the last three months. Most of which was raised by Texas. Romney raise about $14 million, most of which came from California. Ron Paul raised about $8.3 million. Herman Cain raised about $2.8 million, which broke down to about $200 from each fund raiser. Michele Bachmann raise about $4 million and spent $6 million which left to have about $1.3.
The other candidates are all far behind. Rick Santorum raised $704,000 and ended up having $229,114 left. Jon M Huntsman Jr. ha raised $327,000 and now is over twice in debt of that amount. Newt Grigrich raised $808,000, ending up with $353,417. Even though Obama is at the top right now with the fund raising, although unlikely he could fall behind if Romney or Perry really start to gain popularity. And just be reading these figures it doesn’t determine who will win the race but it does give us a little idea of who are the top runners at this point.

Jon M Huntsman Sr

Jon M Huntsman Sr. shares his ideas on how the wealthy can financially help and start contributing to the country. Huntsman Sr. feels like the wealthy people haven’t really given anything so he feels like the should give 80%. The occupy wall street protesters gather and camp out because of this very reason. These protestors feel as if the wealthy are greedy. Huntsman create the multinational Huntsman corporation which started in the 1970‘s. The Huntsman corporation a chemical base company which holds most of their business overseas. Mr. Huntsman empathizes with the protestors and feels like politics isn’t functioning as it should.
The democrats would like to push for the millionaires to start paying surtax. Mr. Huntsman believes that if the wealthy start to pay more tax that it could be the beginning to start fixing things and to start helping the economy get back on track.
There are many billionaires who are active but they aren’t active in out country. Billionaires such as Bill Gates and Mr. Buffet. The are active around the world fighting to help things like malaria and aids. Mr. Huntsman is focused with issues close to home. For example he is now working very hard on building the most distinguished cancer treatment an research center in Utah. These issues are important to him because he and his family were affected by cancer. Being that his father, mother, and stepmother all dies from cancer and he had a couple battles of skin cancer himself. He has spent most of his life on trying to help and fight these diseases. There are about 1200 billionaires in America and Mr. Huntsman is one of 19 of the wealthiest men to give away more then a billion dollars.
Huntsman has worked with for the presidential candidate Mr. Romney in the past and states that he has worked for three different versions of him. Romney was a liberal when was running to be a senate in Massachusetts, then he was a moderate when he ran for governor in 2002, and now he is a conservative running for president.
Huntsman does his work and donating for results not just for tax deductions as some of the wealthy do. Not only is he trying to help treat these diseases but he’s also wants to make help the way these people think and feel when they step into his research center. He will make decoration touch ups to make them feel as if the weren’t even in a center for cancer.
Interestingly the huntsman center links to Mormon religion because of Utah’s history. And Huntsman was leader of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. “The database has already led scientists here to discover genes linked to inherited forms of melanoma breast and colon cancer, as well as ovarian cancer and some head and neck cancers that appear to have hereditary patterns.”

Sunday, October 9, 2011

immigration/proportion -couldnt emmbed

proportion votes bring up third party votes. the immigration system is broken people are coming into the united states and if u get a degree from here we send u back so u can compete with us.

the constitution

finding out what the constitution is and what it means word by word. the constitution is all about values. we should follow the values and apply it appropriately.

division of power

there is a division of power. contradictions of power. Americans need to appreciate the division and understand it.

Herman Cain

The election of 2012 has begun to pick up, becoming more competitive, the real competitors coming into view, and already popular candidates among the people. With that being said there is one candidate who has been rising into view. And that one candidate is Herman Cain. He’s bringing about some attention and sharing his views with the public, and its safe to say that a lot of people like him. Some of his admirable qualities include him being a business man, he can run a business and he knows about job demands, and he is a straight talker.
In a poll focusing on the GOP race exhibit Mitt Romney with 20% supporters, Herman Cain with 17% supporters, and Rick Perry with 15% supporters. Herman Cain has been gaining supporters while Rick Perry has been losing supporters.
On the run down Romney came to the light as the front runner in the beginning of the race. Michelle Bachmann was also an early favorite, as soon as she broadcasted that she would be running for president in a debate she rushed into second place in the polls. Soon after Rick Perry entered into the race. Perry was popular for a while and then lost some of his supporters on the way.
As for Cain his rise started after a shocking win in the Florida GOP straw vote. Many of the straw poll voters admitted to the fact that they came into the debate read to vote for Perry but after her dropped the ball in that debate they switched their vote to Cain.
As for Cain’s background, he unlike any other candidate. Cain has no political history but he stands for the average hardworking American which many Americans could relate to. He was a CEO in Godfathers pizza, He attended and graduated college mastering computer science. A unique fact about Cain is that he was a stage 4 cancer survivor, so he is very involve in health care.
Cain has released his very own book this Monday called “This Is Herman Cain!: My Journey to the White House". Cain has also came up with this plan called the 9-9-9 plan which is meant to reform the tax code. “The plan calls for a 9% federal income tax, a 9% federal corporate tax, and the creation of a new 9% national sales tax.”
Cain is cementing himself into the election just as Romney has. Although there’s is a attractiveness about Cain being a job creator there is also some doubts and worries about whether he’s ready to be a president. Cain still has a lot to prove and a lot to show as he just becoming more popular. He has to try to hold his position and explain himself and his beliefs more. There is still a lot to prove and he will be battling many new issues as he goes along. It is anticipated when approached against Obama he will had to battle the issue of race and things of that nature.

Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney of the republican contenders has reassured America that he is in fact a part of the Mormon religion. Romney is scheduled to make a speech on Thursday at college station in Texas. Romney understands that faith and religion is a big part of America’s tradition and he plans on sharing his views and religion to America. Although there is no legal law holding a candidate back from running for president, there are many firm standing republican Christians who are a big part of the election process and the GOP. Romney is trying to point out significant similarities between Mormonism and Catholicism such as the disproval of same sex marriage and abortion.
In a CNN opinion research corp. it was found that about 50% of Americans consider Mormonism to be the same as Christianity, while 41% disagreed. 19% are unlikely to vote for a candidate of Mormon belief while 17% don’t believe that Mormon faith would be an issue or a deciding factor in their vote.
On Friday a pastor from Texas shared some combative views his audience.
The pastor named Robert Jeffress shared to the reporters that no republicans should vote for Mitt Romney. The pastor urges republican voters to side with Rick Perry. The pastor discourages anyone to vote for Mitt Romney for the simple fact that he’s a Mormon, “and described the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as a ‘cult.".
Michael Purdy, a announcer for the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints, did not comment back to Robert Jeffress controversial comment but he did say "But those who want to understand the centrality of Christ to our faith can learn more about us and what we believe by going to,"
Mitt Romney has unfortunately pushed away some of his potential voters by sharing his Mormon faith with America. There are some people who believe that Romney is a well rounded man with good values and morals but aren’t happy with his Mormon faith. These potential supporters are now leaning towards Rick Perry for the republican nomination. For supporters like this religion is a big deciding factor of their vote. They will only choose a firm Christian follower. In the same manner, the Southern Baptist Convention branded Mormonism as a “cult”. The Southern Baptist Convention have their own website in which they listed Mormonism under the “New Religions and Cults” tab.
Rick Perry on the other hand expresses that he does not believe that Mormonism is a cult. He doesn’t agree with some of the views and criticism that some of his supporters do.
During the election Mitt Romney hasn’t hid his religion but he certainly hasn’t been very open to talk about it until recently. In plain view Mormonism is like Christianity but Mormonism has gotten a bad reputation because of their past polygamy beliefs. Polygamy is a concept which stands for a marriage with multiple partners. In fact today polygamy isn’t practiced as much as they use to practice it of not at all.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

week 3

Kaine talks about the mid term plan. The race is more uphill this year because people are in bad shape and want to see change. He believes that he will exceed in his plan. Want to reach out in health insurance issues, Effort to engage first time voters

Brent Wilkes is on the league of Untied Latin Americans and he speaks about how Latinos aren’t active enough and the reasons. Immigrants don’t make themselves seen by the authorities. But they should be voting and most don’t because unless they eel they absolutely have to because most o them are illegal immigrants.

importance of latino voters

Latinos are being pushed to vote. They are not to enthusiastic as they were before 2008. They can be a swing vote. 58% are more enthusiastic about voting. Hispanics can make a difference. Have the potential to be the deciding factor in these elections.

obama stands up for the gay soldiers week 3

As the presidential elections approach, President Obama has to think of ways to convince the people of the United States to re-instate him for another term as president. One of the ways that Obama has decided to go about this, is to remind the people of his big political change in the gay community. One of the presidents goals for this upcoming election is to encourage the entire gay community to be on his side during the voting process by reminding these people of the great positive impact he made on their lives by passing the bill for gay and lesbian marriages. This article even goes as far as too become reminiscent of a time when a gay soldier from Iraq was booed off of stage by politician; however, Obama uses this incident of childishness to his defense in supporting the gay soldiers and not judging people that are willing to fight for their country. The gay community in New York should be thankful to Obama in his attempt to support and recognize the gay community in a way that other politicians and people have not done in the past and even still in the present. In a way, president Obama is technically saying that the way that the gay community should pay him back for passing the gay marriage law is by voting for him in the next election to give him another term in presidency. Obama is also finding ways to push the gay community away from supporting any other politicians by recognizing the incident in which a gay soldier was booed off of the stage; therefore, pushing people to see Obama in a good light by not being judgmental of these gay soldiers. Soldiers are people that are brave enough to fight and are willing to sacrifice their lives for the stake of our country. Someone who is putting their life at risk in the name of their country should not be penalized in society because of sexual orientation, someone who is putting their live on the risk for our country should be respected for who they are, gay or straight. Obama is obviously aware of this argument and uses it to his advantage as a way to lean over to his side in the election process. The president was smart to come up with a political stand such as this to encourage a larger amount of votes on his side for the upcoming election. Obama is well aware that his chances at becoming president for a second term in presidency might not be looking up to par which is why he is deciding to use a topic like this as a way to earn more votes. People in the gay community and people that support the gay community will most likely feed into this argument and be willing to be on the side of president Obama throughout the election for this term. As it looks as though Obama is winning the hearts over of the gay community for the up coming election, now what he has to look to are ways to win over the other percentage of the population in which do not support Obamas’ support in the gay community.

Sarah Palin week 3

Sarah Palin is an interesting character in politics. It may seem like she just hopped from a housewife into running or president but Palin has actually been in politics for sometime now. She put her foot in the door in 1992 when she won the first two terms in the Wisilla city council. Following by winning the first two terms as Wisilla's mayor in 1996. She then went on to win the governorship of Alaska in 2006. Through out all of this Palin simply explained it as following gods plan. She stated that "my life is in gods hands". She says that god started talking to her about going into politics and that's how it started. Through the eyes of Joe Mcginniss she is the "Christ-drunk Paris Hilton of politics", Mcginniss believes that she should stay on her in Wisilla and leave the presidential elections alone. Many people believe that she just likes to put on a show and stay in the light of politics. Mcginniss mentions how certain people describe her time in office, they say that it was “nothing short of a reign of terror” and they fear that the "vicious and vengeful” Palin can still punish her critics, even though she holds no political office today." In her time she has fired many city employees, pushed out certain government employers whom she disliked, harassed the library bookkeepers about holding gay content books, and pushed for officials to fire her brother in law from the police force. She pretty much bullied her way through Wasilla. Personally there are a couple of unnamed sources who say that Palin has severe mood swings, have partaken in cocaine, her marriage is dull and barely even a marriage, he husband Todd takes care of this children. There is also talk about Palin potentially being a racist in some form. In 1987 Palin had sexual activity with a basketball star named Glen Rice. He states that she was very nice and had a crush on her for a while after as they used to keep in touch but another source says that Palin had a major freakout after the incident and was crying hysterically because she had sex with a "black man"
Palin remains unsure on whether or not to join the 2011 presidential elections, although she is very confident that she will win. "she believes Americans are 'desperate' and 'deserving' of 'positive change." She states that she doesn't believe that she is the only person or the job or the only person that can achieve this but she does think that she can win the election. She is relying on her family to help her make a decision because if they think that she shouldn't then she will stay out of the election. She does however have support from her husband Todd.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

week #2

There are many different things that concern this years voters such as the war in Afghanistan, Libya, and Iraq. But as for now there are two candidates who are rising from the support of U.S. armed forces who are politically active. And those two candidates are President Barack Obama and Republican Ron Paul. The individuals who claimed to work in one of the branches of the military or the US department of defense have together donated about $78,000 to the presidential candidates. Barack Obama had collected 44% or in other words $34,500 of those funds.
In Obamas term of presidency he has tried to unwind our involvement in Iraq, as well as administered the killing of Osama Bin Ladden in Pakistan.
On the other hand Paul Ron has collected $32,100 from active military members. Paul believes in a non-interventionist approach which means that he wants to avoid the wars with Afghanistan, Libya and Iraq that are not directly related to "territorial self-defense".
Matt Rimney is significantly in a lower rank compared to Barack Obama and Ron Paul. Rimney believes that all of our troops from Afghanistan should be brought home "as soon as the generals think its ok". Romney had raised $4,100 from the members of the armed force.
Rick Santorum who believes that we should be at war and supports the causes in oversea affairs has raised $250 from military members.
here is an overview on what every candidate is making. Barack Obama- $34,500, Ron Paul- $32,100, Mitt Romney $4,100, Herman Cain- $3,500, Michele Bachmann- 2,550, Newt Gingrich- $900, and Rick Santorum- $250.
On another note we might be expecting a new face in the presidential race. New Jersey's governor Chris Christie is debating on whether or not to enter the election after a being seriously lobbied by the money men and and GOP's top leaders. He has once claimed that he was never interested in presidential running but being pushed by Republicans and fund raisers is pushing him to reconsider. Christie will make his decisions later on this week. Some individuals claim that there is no real leadership qualities in any of the current candidates which is why they urge him to run. Christe believes that the American people want a president who will be upfront and tell them what the country should do in certain situations.
Chris Christie has mentioned that he will not run for president because he still has a significant amount of work and effort to put into Jersey. And while staying out of the race the people of New Jersey have been moved by the Texas Gov. Perry. Gov. Christie is dedicated to staying with Jersey and leading them in the right direction, even though they would love to see him as president of the United States, he pretty much refuses to leave Jersey hanging.

Friday, September 23, 2011

week#2 blog1

Rick Perry has yet to be asked about his views or beliefs on Homosexuality. But as noticed by a gentleman named Benjamin who wrote an article concerning this in the Times Magazine swampland blog about Mr. Perry comparing Homosexuals to alcoholics. Mr. Perry states in his first book published that, "Even if an alcoholic is powerless over alcohol once it enters his body, he still makes a choice to drink," he wrote. "And, even if someone is attracted to a person of the same sex, he or she still makes a choice to engage in sexual activity with someone of the same gender."
Basically stating that whether or not the individual was born gay that they have the power to stay away from homosexuality and not engage in any homosexual activities. Remaining abstinent will not change your sexuality but it will refrain one from sinning and instead push them to do what’s right.
Another candidate who is against homosexuality is Michelle Bachmann and her husband Marcus Bachmann. Both are speaking against homosexuality but Mr. Bachmann is speaking in a rather louder tone in which he has clearly mad his point on his feelings toward homosexuals. Mr. Bachmann states that homosexuals are, "barbarians that need to be educated.” Mr. Bachmann also believes that same sex urges don’t have to result in same sex acts just as Mr. Perry argued in his first book. Mr. Bachmann believes that homosexuality is a brain disorder and a psychiatric disorder in which could be treated.
Another candidate who doesn’t believe in same sex activities is Rick Santorum. Mr. Santorum has more than one very large Google based sites that talk about homosexuality. One of his top websites are “” which reveals the definition of Rick Santorums last name, “is a sexual neologism for ‘the frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex."
This was resulting from 2003 when the senator “compared homosexuality to bestiality and pedophilia” and saying that the correct definition of a marriage concerns only a man and a woman. Marriage does not concern a man and a man, man and a dog, or man and a child.
Unlike these republican candidates, President Barack Obama does not see homosexuality as they do. Although his views are not clear for whether he is against or for gay Marriage and homosexuality, He certainly respects it. He knows and works with homosexuals and believes that they are extraordinary people. He knows how important and touchy this subject is for them and although he is not legalizing gay marriage he is most definitely in no position to bash homosexuals.
As a nation the support for homosexuality has grown. From a poll that was compared to a 1996 to a poll from this year, 2011, show that the support has jumped to 22% believing that gay marriage should be legal to 44%.

week #2

In one of the elections there was a battle between Michael Moore, who believed in freedom of speech through the movie and the citizens United corporation who were against the movie that was released during a election. The people should have the opportunity to watch whatever they want for freedom of speech reasons. It was fought against and seen as though it was against the law and was an attempt to make believers not want to vote for G.W Bush.

week #2

Some of these campaign candidates spend so much money to have their voice heard. And the candidates with he most money can and will pay for the best talent. But while these candidates are spending so much money to campaign and out nation is in so much debt.

week #2

Meredith McGehee Talks about how important funding can be in a campaign. To win the presidential election your don't exactly have to be the candidate with the most campaign money, but you do need to have a certain amount of money to campaign and get your message out to the people for their votes.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

President Barack Obama proposed a bill which would get many Americans back on the path to working and getting the economy out of harm. This bill is called the American Jobs act. This act is meant to provide 70,000 jobs in New York alone and 1.9 million jobs nation wide. As well as financially rescuing small business in New York by $381 million so that they can hire more employers. With hiring new employers that makes about an extra $1,500 for their households and their pocket. This will be done by tax cuts, three of which are an option. "cutting the payroll tax in half for the first 5 million in wages, temporary eliminating employer payroll taxes on wages for new workers or raises for existing workers, and extending 100% expensing into 2012" This bill will mostly effect and benefit the younger community of individuals. According to the American Jobs Act there will be a program called SEA, Self-Employment Assistance, which will give aspiring entrepreneurial minds 26 weeks to start their own businesses. This program will fun around 10,000-13,000 and will not have credit and collateral requirements. SEA is practiced in various states and is proven to be effective. Hundreds of business have created new jobs, about an average of 2.63 new jobs. The plan provides certain assurance to employees and those looking for jobs. Work-sharing is in place to prevent an employee from bring fired. Instead of being fired there hours will be reduced to keep them in contact with a little bit of money. And certain programs to help aid the long term unemployed individuals. As well as that which is called a Bridge to Work program which is aimed at providing some kind of income for those who do volunteer or "pursue work based training". This bill will mainly do as follows, "The plan itself does five things. First, it cuts social security contributions for individuals and businesses. Second, the plan provides about $35 billion to states to operate schools and another $25 billion in school infrastructure spending. Third, the plan adds about $54 billion in unemployment insurance payments, extending the program and adding youth employment programs and tax incentives to hire the long-term unemployed. Fourth, the program adds $75 billion in infrastructure spending to include the creation of an infrastructure bank. Finally, the plan reduces barriers to refinancing FHA loans for households who are underwater in their mortgages." The republicans have rejected this bill, although it will provide tax cuts to middle and lower class the GOP is only concerned about millionaire tax cuts. As for the Democrats, they are campaigning across America to gain support for the plan. The states with the lowest unemployment will be targeted the most to gain more supports. States such as Florida, Mississippi, North Carolina, Virginia, Iowa, etc.
As the Nation is weakening from unemployment, national debt, and many other national issues the presidential election is becoming more crucial and important to the American society. the next presidential election will be held on November 12, 2012. President Barack Obama will be representing the democratic party as there will be a small variety of candidates running to represent the Republican party. Mitt Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts, he is currently the leading the polls for the republican nomination. Rick Perry, former governor of Texas, came into the race later then the other candidates but has raised a significant amount of money which allows him to hold a good spot in the republican nomination. Michele Bachmann, a Minnesota congressman, she doesn't hold a strong position as of now but is expected to draw a lot of Sarah Palin's fans in for her vote. Newt Gingrich, a former speaker of the house of representatives, has a reputation that may haunt him in his run for president. Gingrich has lost supporters for numerous reasons such as strategy plans, lacking presidential qualities, marriage history, and "has a long record of undiplomatic quotes". Ron Paul, a Texas congressman, at 75 years old Mr. Paul is a libertarian-minded republican. "With his calls for a return to the gold standard, the abolition of the Federal Reserve and the Internal Revenue Service, and his staunch opposition - unusual in the Republican Party - to the war in Iraq and to American militarism in general." He has devoted followers but for those who aren't devoted to him it will be hard to gain their support because his views are to extreme to seem realistic. Jon huntsman, a former Governor from Utah, Which makes for an interesting candidate as he used to work under President Barack Obama as a ambassador of China for two years. He is less conservative in that he believes in science of climate change and same sex changes. Rick Santorum, a former Pennsylvania senator, he holds seventh place is the election. And Herman Cain, a former "CEO of a pizza chain", isn't exactly known to the American people. He doesn't hold much ground in the election as he doesn't exactly make his beliefs clear to America. And once said that he was scared to hire a Muslim in the belief that they may be a terrorist is holding him back from making a good impression. The primaries and caucuses will begin in Iowa on February 6th, 2012 and end in South Dakota, Montana, and New Mexico on June 5th, 2012. The question remains will President Barack Obama hold his position for another 4 years or will a republican take the position and will there actually be a positive change and outcome.

This is explaining the electoral college system and how it related to the McCain and Obama election of 2008. As well as determining how far ahead the lead is.

Jon Cardin represents the small state of Maryland and why the electoral college vote is so important to the voting process. Cardin agrees with the voting process.

U.S. Senator Bill Nelson talks about the electoral process in Florida. Mentioning the pros and cons about the electoral process and his personal view of his past experiences. Some of his views consist of abolishing the electoral college and improving the voting process